Current Condition

Baru2 ni aku rase sangat down and rase macam tak berguna sangat dalam dunia ni. aku rase mcm aku ni xde bakat langsung dan tak boleh buat ape. semua bende aku buat tak menjadi. even the thing yang aku belajar dah lame pun masih tak membuahkan hasil. yes duit pun xde, motivasi 0, now rase macam nak giveup betul.

tapi bile pk2 balik, tak mungkin la kan. dah lame aku usaha belajar macam, mintak doa bagi berkat semua tu. so sebabkan aku rase sangat kosong sekarang, aku nak list downkan semua bende yang aku tahu kat sini. so that myself bole tngk balik yang aku ni sebenarnya bukannya tak tau ape.

senang cite aku rase mcm aku ni xde bakat la. semua bende buat pun xjadi. ok so here is the list:

1 - Autocad
2 - Video Editing
3 - Sketchup
4 - Gaming
5 - Forex
6 - Graphic Design
7 - Website Design
8 - Unity - game design
9 - Dreamwear - app design
10 - photography

aku rase these all things that i have listed adalah bakat or something i can work on really well compared to other stuff. some minor things that maybe can be considered as my peak is:

- a good husband, loyal and willing to do anything for his wife
- a good father, always teaching and play with his son and xmain phone depan anak sangat
- a good/kind person, selalu cakap bende baik dengan orang, xbanyak kutuk2 or gosip2
- pendiam and always studying new things.

but these things cant be consiered skills thus maybe we can ignore that.

the thing that i want to do now is actually, aku nak buat video tentang semua skill yang aku ade. so that bile aku tengok balik video tu, aku bole kate kat myself yg hey, you're not bad bro, u know some stuff. dont be so down. why must a video? sbb baru bole tngk. kalau buat blog post je, xnmpk sangat. maybe aku akan guna blog ni sebagai tmpt aku simpan script. kenapa nak share script kat internet? well sbb kalau simpan kat dlm word je, aku sendiri pun xingt ape aku tulis. so share je. whats the big deal. im writing for myself pun.

ok so for each subject mentioned above, aku nak buat 1 playlist kat youtube channel aku. so that we can see, ooo this dude can do alot of things.

now lets sketchout the blueprint for each subject, what kind of thing i want to show myself.

1. AutoCad

- draw a layout of your own house. for in my case, Sri alpinia. a 2d layout with all the details such as windows, door, and all the perabut.
- how to lipat drawing A0, A1, A3 into A4. bende basic tapi its an ilmu. so ya share
- draw a layout of a 2-storey house. for this case i will use rumah nenna sebagai contoh. bcuz thats the only house that i know alot of. which is my mum's house. this will show that im capable of doing simple 2-storey house, which actually some people want o pay for it bruh

2. Video Editing

- Buat Video compilation of my son from lahir to 3 years old. combine pictures and video to make 1 footage that we can watch again when die besar nanti. will prove that i can edit video juga la. basic pun
- how to edit in phone app using inshot

3. Sketckup

- guna layout yg dah buat guna autocad tadi and jadikan 3d model. this is something good actually. but bcuz of no project so noboy wants to hire me doing it. thus i want o make a video to show that im actually capable of doing it.
x2, alpinia and rumah nenna

4. Gaming

- im have been gaming since i was little and that also should be considered as a skill. tho im not a pro at some point, but i do have some skill that excell other normal people. i ussually play support role and to ensure my team win, im willing to gave up damge and go for tank and utility skills. that mindset i set apply to other game as well. for example, and rpg games, i tend to choose a tanky/utility character to support my team. as always any game requires u to become a team player, if not its just a solo game.
game i should do about is: League of legend
- make a vlog about me playin travian each week/day

5. Forex

- my trading setup for everyday trade. support and resistance with double ma to determine trend
- trade vlog, im taking a position every day and how that day end, good or bad. ( maybe make a week time for 1 video better)

6. Graphic Design

- do a video about how i edit picture and making material for my youtube thumbnails.
- how to use lightroom and photoshop
- edit photo in phone app using snapseed and lightroom mobile

7. Website design

- design a website about myself. to promote what im doing and to tell that i am awesom
- design a website on each of things that i can do

8. Unity - game design

- design a simple RPG games like pokemon yellow, or final phantasy
- publish the completed game and make ppl play it on apps store/ play store
- ask kok/faiz/yap to test it

9. Dreamwear - app design

- make a simple app such as calculator or homestay search engine

10. Photography

- take photo/video using phone
- 3 grid line rule
- bokeh concept

i know all of these are A LOT to do. and to do it all will take forever to complete. but here are the things that i think i can do well. not pro but better than any1 really didnt make an efford to learn it.
so i would go to my youtube channel and say. well bro u did alot of things!

wish me luck


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