Me before you

Hi, I am just a normal guy who is nerd and noob from de bottom. I struggle doing daily basis and making decision for example, what should I eat today? Which road do I take? What to wear today? I end up not to think about any of those and just pick what ever 1st came to my mind. It save a lot of time for me, and I will just suck it up even its a bad choice.

Hi, saya apjal !

Wake up in the morning, getting ready for work. Light exercise before travel to workplace. Eat something to fill up my stomach for the ride and drink some water. Then I start travelling to Puchong. Start my work with a coffee and some biscuits or slice of bread. Work for 8 hours from 8.30am to 5.30pm. Then travel back to Ampang to my mother's house where I lived in. Dinner with family and then spend my night time playing game with my friend online until 12.30am. Then I go sleep and repeat the same thing for 3 years.

1st step towards getting rich

That my life before I made my decision to marry my love. I have several friends but only my friend from my high school who still keep in touch with me. I always play game with them online every night. I consider this 3 years as a saving money period so that I have the money that I can spend if I found any stuff that I want to buy. For example if I found my love then ill use the money to marry her. And you know what, I did found her.

I found my love at the same company that I work in. She work as an engineer, while I am a drafter. I keep my one sided love for her for about a year. I do my work as usual and she does hers. She don't even know that she have someone as near as an officemate to like her. She once said its creepy and she will never fall in love with someone near her. But, as time flies, I get the feeling that she likes me too. I gather up my courage and ask her

“do you like me? because
I like you.
I like the way you smile.
I like the way you react to every tiny little things.
I like how you treat people.
I like how you treat yourself. The way you control your emotions.
I like the way you walk.
I like everything, every single thing, about you.
And if you like me too, can we stick and spend the rest of our life together?”

Of course I did not have the courage to say all that. I was born not talkative. My mum said I started talking when I was 3-4 years old. Normal babies should start said something by the age 2. same goes to my schooldays. I was not talkative and often bullied by others. As the result I have a very low self confident. I always stay by myself and not having much friend to hangout with.

Then I continue to my high school. I met my best friend who stick with me till now. They are the only friend that I consider, FRIEND. Kok, Yap and Faiz. I will back them up if anything happen and they will do the same to me too. 5 years in school, then we parted. Each one of us take different course and start living own life. Since then we only connect by using internet via facebook or in games. Things continue till I finished my diploma and they also finished their studies. Then all of us start working to earn money, to chase our dreams.

My dream is to achieve financial freedom before 40, where I don't have any debt and no 9-5 work but still making at least 4 figure income monthly. And to play game whenever I want because I have no job but still make a living. I can spend my time with my family and kids at home. But yea, that is everyone's dream. I want to buy everything in cash as Islam hate getting in debt to get what we want and I like that concept.

On 17th March 2017, I marry my Love.

My proposal is nothing big. I did ask her “do you like me too?”. But some sentences were deleted. I was so scared to be rejected and I cant even speak up to her face. So I did my proposal via message by phone when I was on trip with my best friends at Koh Lipe. I ask her :

“do you like me? because
I like you.
I like the way you smile.
I like the way you react to every tiny little things.
I like how you treat people.
I like how you treat yourself. The way you control your emotions.
I like the way you walk.
I like everything, every single thing, about you.
And if you like me too, can we stick and spend the rest of our life together?”

Yea that was a lame one. But still she acknowledge my proposal and ask me to meet her parents for engagement. Then she will believe what I say and will take this matter seriously. I boasted with happiness. I jumped over and over on the bed at the hotel. From bed to bed. From Kok to Faiz to Yap. My trip ended well, cant wait to see my love.

My dull workplace became so colourful now. Every morning is full of excitement knowing that I will meet her when I reach my office. We keep our relationship secret from other officemates. We don't want any gossip to goes around and make bad stories about us. We got engage on 13th September 2016 which is 6 month before the actual marriage day. Many things happen in this period of time. They say this is the time where your love will be tested. This is the time where you get to know your partners. But, I went through it with no problem at all. My love towards her still as strong as ever even on the day we got married.

Sadly after marriage, we cant work under the same company. Thus I quit my job and start working at another company in Kuala Lumpur. We rent a house at Puchong so that my wife can easily go to work. It takes less than 5 min by car for her to reach her office. I takes about 30min to reach my new office. I had the same post which is as a drafter. Working here seem fine. Its a large company so its quite stable.

After finished working and I travel back home. No more gaming now. I help my wife cook for dinner and do all the chores too. Washing the dishes, prepare the ingredients, fold the clothes we wash at the laundry, and many more. Then eat while watching television. After dinner I massage my wife. Her back is causing her so much pain. Maybe because of stress at work. It feels very nice to have someone I love at home. It would be better if we both don't have to work and chill 24/7 at home. That why I am studying forex now. I hope I can master forex and gain some income from it every month. But yea it will take a while to learn it properly.

Its been 2 month we have been living together, and there is so much things that I need to learn to keep serving my wife, doing things on my own, and being a husband. I like my new life and wish us to have babies soon.

Salam Ramadhan


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